Sadly, over 50% of marriages fail. To add insult to injury, divorce proceedings can take years and cost thousands of dollars in legal fees. However, it is possible to file your own divorce in Missouri for no more than the state divorce form filing fees. This page provides all of the forms you need to initiate your do-it-yourself divorce in Missouri.
Fill out the Dissolution of Marriage Forms packet and the Filing Information Sheet. You should probably talk to a lawyer before you start the Divorce process. Also make sure you set the Court date and both you and your spouse are there that day and remember the judge will officially issue the Divorce decree after the Divorce hearing.
In Missouri, Divorces are handled by the The Judicial Branch of Missouri. It is quite possible to avoid lawyers' fees by filing for your own divorce in Missouri. You can download 2 of the forms you need to petition for divorce here - see the "who must file" section to determine which forms are relevant in your situation.