Echelon Foods Turducken Cooking Instructions

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To defrost, you can simply thaw your Turducken in the refrigerator for 5 days or for rapid thawing place in sink or bucket with cool water for 24 - 36 hours.

1. Low Temperature Cooking - Conventional Oven (Most Popular Method)

2. Slow Cooker - 'Crock Pot'

3. Barbeque - Outdoor Grill

4. High Temperature Cooking - Conventional Oven

IMPORTANT NOTES: Your Turducken is fragile when hot. This bird has no bone structure to hold it shape. Be sure to keep it on or in it’s cooking container. Remove the Turducken carefully from the oven/grill/slow cooker cover immediately in foil and allow it to rest for at least 30 min before moving or serving. Meanwhile, you may want to make some gravy with some of the drippings. With strong spatulas inserted underneath (remember there are no bones to support the bird’s structure), carefully transfer the Turducken to a serving platter or cutting board. Remove the stitching by pulling on one end of the twine while holding the Turducken and present it to your guests before carving. Be sure to make your slices crosswise so that each slice contains all three meats. Please refer to carving diagram on the label.