How to Get Married in the Philippines: A List of All the Wedding Requirements You’ll Need

Just got engaged and about to marry? Congrats! You are about to embark on one of the biggest adventures of your life. However, before you get to the actual wedding, there is some tedious planning ahead of you. Unfortunately, unlike in international movies, getting married here in the Philippines is not as easy as just showing up in a Las Vegas chapel, on a whim, and right there and then be married by an Elvis Presley impersonator. Nope. Here in the Philippines, you have to get a marriage license ahead of your wedding, among other requirements that depend on whether you’re doing a civil wedding or a church wedding.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the steps on how to get a marriage license, the requirements for a church wedding, and the requirements for a civil wedding. But first, let’s cover this quickly — which individuals are allowed to marry in the Philippines anyway?

Olivia Bauso Unsplash

Image: Olivia Bauso via Unsplash

Who Can Get Married in the Philippines?

The Family Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209) states that, for a Filipino to marry, they must meet the following requirements:

Moreover, for a marriage to be considered legal, it has to meet the following criteria:

How to Get a Marriage License

Whether you’ve decided to have a civil wedding or a church wedding, this marriage requirements will be needed either way and is one of the most important — a marriage license. To apply for a marriage license, you can head to the local civil registrar at the municipality or city where one of you resides. Take note, though, that once you get your marriage license (which can take about two weeks or more), you must get married within 120 days.

Here are the documents you need to bring to the local civil registrar to apply for your marriage license. Take note that the requirements are for each of you and your partner:

And some additional requirements if you fall under the following categories: